Dear ELI friends, as 2023 is drawing to a close, we continue to be grateful and amazed at all that God has done through this ministry. Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial investments that blessed so many individuals and communities in Africa these past ten years. Through your generosity, much has been accomplished and will continue to support generations to come.
Before 2023 ends, would you please consider a year end tax deductible gift to fund one of our projects? It is planting time in both Zambia and Malawi, and seeds & fertilizers will grow the Susu Farm and community gardens in both Zambia and Malawi. The harvests will provide operating funds for Susu Community Library and expand the Mobile Library program. Food from the harvest is also shared with poor village families.

We continue to pray for funds for Dorothy's education. She is supported for the next two months, but we are hopeful for Dorothy to continue school without interruption for the entire year. Dorothy and her family are now facing another very difficult challenge. Strong winds blew the roof off their small brick home and they were forced to shelter in their small cooking house. An ELI supporter just funded the roof replacement - truly an answer to prayer, but the family needs food and blankets. A gift of $500 will purchase a plastic tarp to lay on the dirt floor, blankets to protect them from the cold and basic food supplies for three months. You can designate any amount towards this goal by stating, “for Dorothy’s home” in the memo.

Another very important need is for three table and chair sets for our new literacy classes in Malawi. The classes are ready to start and these motivated adults will sit on the ground and hold a clipboard, but learning to read and write is much easier when you are sitting at a table. Previously, when a table & chair set was provided, the women said, "Now, we have dignity." ELI would like to provide that same opportunity for each village literacy class.

All one time gifts are truly appreciated! We are prayerfully seeking new monthly supporters, could you be one? All gifts are tax deductible.
We wish all of you a Happy New Year. God bless us, everyone.