As the U.S. team flew out from Zambia, we were ready for the next leg of adventure, and everyone was excited to be a part of Mr. Kenneth’s first flight! The previous summer, Mr. Jacob joined the team in Zambia, but this year was Mr. Kenneth’s turn to fly to Malawi. The whole process was an amazing experience. On Wednesday Mr. Kenneth received his passport.

On Thursday, he bought his plane ticket, and on Friday, he flew out of Zambia. It was fabulous seeing through Mr. Kenneth’s eyes the possibilities of the world opened around him. One could say that his excitement was at an all time high!
Our first day there we settled in and spent time in fellowship with all of the hardworking members of the Malawi team. Conversations were flowing and the feeling of love and support filled the atmosphere. It was simply fabulous to see the two worlds come together. Though everyone was having a good time, the team quickly started discussing the plans for the busy days to follow.
Mobile Library
The following morning the team woke up ready to participate with the mobile library program that visits three rural villages. We drove the long bumpy route, and at each stop, Bethel and Grace had children gathered and ready to demonstrate the amazing activities. The kids were eager to show off their math and reading skills, but I, (Katie) was even more eager to show them math and reading based games. The kids quickly picked up on the rules and were so excited to participate. Even some of the adults were cheering the them on as they answered math questions on the chalkboard. Once they had exhausted their brains, Chasya swooped in and began singing and had all of the children on their feet dancing. It was a true blessing for Chasya and me; holding the hands of all the little ones as they danced and sang. A joyful noise was truly heard in all of the villages.

Though all the stops on the mobile library route were delightful, one stood out among the rest. As the car came to a huge rut in the road, the team alighted and continued the path by foot. After a thirty minute walk, we arrived at Dima Village and stopped at a small house with an even smaller chicken coop. Sitting outside was a young girl with the brightest eyes and most beautiful smile you have ever seen, her name is Dorothy. The library staff knows the remarkable story of Dorothy's journey, the growth this child has made was evident to see for everyone there. Though deaf, Dorothy was able to use some sign language and gestures to communicate with the group. Dorothy's mother asked to speak, and she expressed her family's thanks to all the ELI supporters, that funded a new roof for their home, warm blankets, and the small food and income generating chicken project. Most of all, the parents were so grateful that Dorothy was able to go to school.

Dorothy was given a small stuffed animal and a little purse; these were the first personal gifts that she had ever received.
After visiting her family, Dorothy followed the team into the village, where Mr. Bob read “Frog and Toad, and Cookies.” Katie acted it out as best as she could so Dorothy could participate. Once again all the children and adults roared with laughter as Mr. Bob so elegantly read the story. Afterwords, Mr. Bob assisted Katie as she led the children in a game of “head, shoulders, knees, and toes.” Though the game requires you to listen and touch the correlating body part, Katie adapted it so Dorothy could join. As quoted from Katie, “I just feel blessed to have been able to introduce a game to Dorothy that she can play with the other children. Seeing the smile on her face when she won will forever live in my heart.”
Lake Malawi

The trip to Malawi was full of work, but we made sure to squeeze in some time for fun. Mr. Kenneth and the Malawi team worked so hard day in and day out that we knew we had to do something special, so we took a trip to Lake Malawi. I have no idea who was more excited, Mr. Kenneth and the Malawi team or Katie and Chasya. Once we arrived everyone ran straight into the water, making sure not to waste one second, and had such a fun time swimming and splashing about. After hours of fun, Mr. Kenneth and the Malawi team were given a surprise boat ride. They all boarded the speed boat and took an exhilarating spin around the lake. It was the first time any of them had ever taken a boat ride and the children couldn't stop talking when they disembarked. To say it was an incredible learning experience as well as a perfect day would be an understatement!
Elizabeth's Library and Literacy Training

After a trip through Lilongwe, the group arrived at the small single room library. A line of energetic children were waiting to go inside to enjoy all the fun activities. Erica, Mr Bob and Chasya partnered up with kids to read books, piece together puzzles, play games and build with legos.

Katy got down to business; she gave an in depth teaching on phonemic awareness, phonics, and covered strategies for teaching letters, sounds and sounding out multisyllabic words. Needless to say, many new techniques and learning tools were introduced that day!
Women’s Literacy Program

The ELI team organized a first ever tea party, celebrating the women who had completed the ELI adult literacy program.
Despite the enormous challenges, sixteen ladies finished the course that taught them to read and write in the Chichewa language. They also learned about financial literacy through the ELI village banking program; with these new skills they are able to start small businesses to provide for their families.
One woman in their group received a small loan to start a prepared food business, another lady began selling plastic containers, while another planted a bean garden. With the success of one business, the lady was able to pay back her loan and invest in a bike to start a second business that provides taxi service! These industrious ladies deserved a small celebration! Grace and Bethel (Malawi library staff) were tasked to organize a tea party with lovely decorations. A Google search was made about tea parties, because they had never attended one. Erica (US team) took the lead in planning the party and brought favorite cookies from America to share.
The tea party was a huge success; the US team served their new friends tea, and acknowledged their achievements, while blessing them with a lovely party and everyone gave glory to God in heart and songs.

Child Evangelism Training

Bob and Chasya gave the ELI Malawi team an abbreviated training session in Child Evangelism; sharing their big concern for the children who attend the mobile library programs, but have no knowledge of the Good News of Jesus. In the future they will train the village monitors and other interested adults. Bob and Chasya were so excited to know that almost 50 Children's Bibles were coming in the next book box shipment, so that Grandmother Alefa will have several Bibles suitable for the different ages of children coming to hear story time.
Just as in Zambia, the Malawi team so enjoyed learning all the outside games. Kenneth cheered them on as they raced.
Dorothy's School

The ELI US team is very familiar with Dorothy's remarkable story and so they were delighted for the opportunity to visit her school and meet the amazing staff that had made such a difference in Dorothy's life. The two hours flew by as we toured the facility and heard Michele (school Director) tell her story of how God called her to begin this incredible ministry. Now there is a three room school block and 30 students in attendance! Dorothy has new classmates and is learning important social skills.

When It was time to say good bye, that was so difficult. For three weeks, people living half a world apart had come together to minister to many different populations and form friendships that would last a lifetime, and really into eternity. There are not words adequate to share our thanks for the incredible care and hospitality that we experienced.

The best we could do was to award Mr Kenneth and Mr. Jacob blue ribbons for their outstanding work as ELI Directors in their respective countries and their faithful service to our Lord.
From our hearts, Kenneth, Jacob and the teams - thank you.