According to a report published by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), if students from low income countries left school with elementary reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty. Ensuring that children learn how to read could result in a 12% cut in global poverty.
In the areas where ELI works, schools have few if any books or educational resources, and children learn their school lessons by copying the teacher's notes off the blackboard. Mr. Kenneth, the head teacher at Susu Village School commented on the significant improvement in the student's reading skills since the library was started three years ago. He also noted that there are significantly less absences. The Susu Mobile Library program that was begun in 2018 has been a huge success and now serves five schools with ten more on the waiting list.
Libraries give children access to books which increase their knowledge and opens their minds to a new world of possibilities for a better future. As children develop to their full potential, they will make a difference in their communities as adults. Your gift to ELI will add more books to our libraries and expand our mobile library program with another bicycle and book
