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Good News December 2024

Writer's picture: Elizabeth's LibraryElizabeth's Library

Christmas is the season of miracles, and to tell the story of the greatest miracle of all - the birth of Jesus Christ. The ELI teams in both Zambia and Malawi are praying for opportunities to share the story of Jesus with the people they serve. The physical and spiritual hunger of these precious people tugs on our heart, so it is with great joy we share this very Good News story with you. 

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1: 4-5


Jacob and the ELI team have come to know and love the people living in the villages served by the mobile library program, and the people love them in return. These folk are grateful that their children now have opportunities to read quality books and illustrated Children's Bibles. Attendance at Grandmother Alefa's Bible story time keeps growing, and often you find mothers sitting nearby quietly listening. There is a great hunger to know more about this Jesus, who loves them even though they live in remote and poor villages unknown to most of the world.

Jacob and the team continually pray for opportunities and resources to meet the overwhelming physical and spiritual needs; they are confident that God answers prayers.

A few weeks ago, Jacob found the Jesus story video in Chichewa, the local language, and planned a Christmas party for the villagers where they could see the movie and enjoy a few tasty treats. Jacob rented a projector and purchased a large cloth to be used as a movie screen. Mphonde Village was selected as the movie "theatre" because of the largest open space. The invitation went out and soon Chiefs from six other villages and many rural pastors also planned to attend, despite the challenges of traveling the roads in the dark.

The next morning, an exhausted Jacob reported, "Ohooo Lana, what we have done in the community is extraordinary and what I saw was exceptional. People kept coming and coming, it was a bit crowded everywhere." More than 800 men, women and children were in attendance, but all sat quietly in the dark and watched the movie attentively. Before going home, (about midnight) all the chiefs and headmen gave speeches thanking ELI for this special evening, and the work being done in their communities. The pastors were presented with local language Bibles; now they would be able to read the Word to their congregations the next morning. Many inquired about showing the movie in their churches and villages. 

It was 1:00 am before Jacob returned to his home in Lilongwe after driving his very tired but joyful team to their homes. Each one attended their church the next morning to share about this incredible event before returning with Jacob to Mphonde village. The people had returned for the children to enjoy different activities and snacks, which included bread and a fruit drink, a special treat for the children! The EL team made sure that every child in the village participated. They also asked the adults to be sure that no child was left out, and there was even enough food left for the parents to enjoy. Does this remind you of another familiar and beloved Bible story?

 Leading up to this event, a small group of American prayer partners prayed throughout that day and 800 people heard the Good News. Will you please join us in praying for the opportunities and funding to bring the Jesus story to many villages in 2025. The harvest is ready.

Another God story from Malawi.

Malawi - Dima Village

Jacob was delivering basic food supplies to Dorothy's family and Grandmother Alefa, when he was asked to meet nearby neighbors. He learned that seven people were living in this small structure and had absolutely no food or even blankets to cover themselves in the cold nights. Jacob said, "This is a terrible situation, we must do something." It was decided to postpone another priority program, to care for this family. The next day, Jacob went shopping and with great joy presented this family with three blankets, water buckets, matches and food for two weeks! The family said over and over, "God heard our prayers." 

Hunger is a way of life in Malawi. The three villages where ELI serve always have food insecurity, and the recent and severe drought has made the current situation very precarious. People are truly suffering. The only water source for each of these villages is a shallow well and water must be carried quite a distance in a plastic bucket. Many homes only have one bucket, so there isn't the capability to store water. Basic food crops have also failed in Malawi, so food commodities are very expensive, ant the villagers cannot even afford to purchase maize or pumpkin seed to plant small gardens around their homes.

This is a dire situation for many families and ELI prays you will consider a donation to provide a month of food, blankets, water buckets and even matches to light a fire for cooking. The average cost per family to supply these basic needs is $150. 

In addition, ELI will work with the village chiefs to distribute maize and pumpkin seeds for the villager's home gardens. The rainy season is beginning, so planting needs to begin immediately for the next harvest. The total cost for this program is $1500.

Will you please consider a generous end of the year donation to meet these special needs? ELI has wonderful programs in these villages bringing literacy, educational resources and the gospel to those hungering for knowledge and spiritual understanding. We now have an opportunity to bless these precious friends with immediate food and resources to plant gardens and alleviate physical hunger.

"Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see you  hungry, and feed You, or thirsty and give you drink?" And the King will answer and say to them, assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me."

Matthew 25: 37,40 

Zambia - Christmas Greeting

The Susu Farm is a miracle. Five years ago, the Susu team began clearing and cultivating the parcel of land adjacent to the future site of the community library. It was backbreaking work, but they persevered, and God blessed their efforts with more land and a variety of crops. Despite many challenges and disappointments including the severe drought earlier this year, they did not give up. They prayed and worked, looking for ways to continue. Now they have planted new crops and the entire country of Zambia is praying for abundant rains and bountiful harvests.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support. ELI prays that in 2025, we can share the Good News of Jesus and be His hands and feet in more communities in Malawi and Zambia.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at ELI.


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