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Good News in April 2022

Writer's picture: Elizabeth's LibraryElizabeth's Library

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under Heaven…”

Ecclesiastics 3:1

ELI has experienced many seasons metaphorically of drought and plenty, but we see so many possibilities related to literacy, education, and sustainability, it's time to rejoice! A large shipment of book boxes has just reached Malawi, and the contents will bless the villagers awaiting mobile library day. A new tractor and plow for the farm that supports the library have arrived in Susu, Zambia. And a little deaf girl locked in a world of silence for seven years without language or means of communicating now has the incredible opportunity to attend school. It is truly a season of rejoicing.


Malawi - Blessings in a Box

Several boxes chock full of books, educational resources, and much requested children's Bibles have just arrived in Malawi. Jacob and his team are rejoicing and busy planning how to incorporate these resources into the educational prgrams offered during the mobile library day visits.

Blackboards for the Village

For the rural villages served by the mobile library program, basic teaching tools are not easily available. Between the mobile library day visits, the village book monitors hold story time for the children and help as much as possible with homework assignemnts. These hard working team members recognized the need for the children to have additional instruction and they often expressed the desire to "do more' for the children. There was great rejoicing when ELI presented each monitor with a new blackboard and a supply of chalk. They will reinforce what was taught on library day for the school age children, and the literacy teachers will also use the blackboards in their classes. One of the monitors has reported that school attendance has improved dramatically as parents can see their children learning, and the children are so excited to have books to read.

Good news - Jacob and the ELI team have opened a small storefront library in the capital city of Lilongwe! For the last two years, the neighborhood children have watched the ELI team pack the trunk of a car with books, games and puzzles, only to see it leave for the rural villages. The small storefront has been outfitted with bookshelves filled with good quality books and a few small tables with chairs, providing the access to educational resources not readily available. We rejoice with the city children, who now have opportunity to go to the library!

Dorothy's First Day of School

In the summer of 2021, while the Malawi Mobile Library was visiting Dima Village, a mother brought her young daughter to Jacob and shared her heart and hopes, asking for any possibility of educating this precious child. Dorothy has been deaf since birth, completely locked in a silent world without any way to communicate, and her mother had been praying for someone to help her daughter.

Jacob (ELI Malawi Director) brought this need to the ELI US Board of Directors and requested materials and suggestions for helping Dorothy. Several months went by, and the Malawi team gave Dorothy as much attention as was possible during every library visit. It was wonderful to watch Dorothy blossom; everyone prayed for wisdom and for opportunities to "do more" for this little girl. You will rejoice with us as you read how God has miraculously answered a faithful mother's prayer.

One of the ELI Board members, who serves on the writing team, also writes stories of missionary highlights for her local church in Keyport WA. She was communicating with one of her church supported missionaries to learn more about her ministry, as she serves in Lilongwe Malawi. To everyone's amazement (but not God's), she teaches at a school for the deaf! The ELI Board member connected the missionary with Jacob, and everyone learned that Dorothy would be welcome to attend the school. The challenge was to find a way for Dorothy and her mother to travel from the far away village to Lilongwe twice a week. God moved in the hearts of many people in Keyport WA, and three months of school have been fully funded. On April 29, 2022, Dorothy went to school for the first time in her life. Only God could write a story that connects the prayers of a mother and the hearts of people living half a world away to meet a need that will change a life forever.

Pray with us that this season is just the beginning of Dorothy's education. God knows His plans for this young life, and we are humbled to be part of her story.

Plow for Plenty

A huge thank you to all who contributed to this campaign. The puchase of a new tractor and plow was fully funded and welcomed with great rejoicing.

Up until this time, all the land clearing and planting was done by hand; it was very successful but laborious. With the new tractor and plow, many more acres can be prepared and planted. Plans are already in place to increase the size of the maize (corn) field and clear land for the planting of more banana trees. The size and success of the farm provides financial support now and into the future for the library and multiple outreach programs. In this season we are rejoicing at what has been accomplished, and filled with hope of what's to come.


As ELI brings you the good news of what is happening in our Malawi and Zambia libraries, it is our hope that you are rejoicing too and would like to partner with us in prayer and financial support. Please consider becoming a regular monthly donor to help continue the amazing projects touching so many lives. One time special gifts are also greatly appreciated.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Psalm 118:24


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