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Good News in February 2021

Writer's picture: Elizabeth's LibraryElizabeth's Library

ELI loves to share the good news with pictures and uplifting stories happening throughout our work in Africa with our friends and readers! We are reminded in Galatians 6:9 of being steadfast in this work, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” We have seen again and again the fruit being produced as we invest in peoples lives, we know you will too as you continue with us in this very exciting adventure!


Malawi Mobile Library

The children lined up to wash their hands, preparing to enjoy the treasures coming their way; its library day! The word has spread beyond the three villages that the Elizabeth’s Library mobile library brings beautiful new books, puzzles and games for children to enjoy together and borrow to take home. Our Malawi Director Jacob, noted that local schools remain closed because of Covid 19, so Elizabeth’s Library has become the main source of education, bringing books and educational resources to these rural villages. The village headman (chief) has encouraged this vital program to continue and the people of the villages are amazed with the quality of resources supplied in the mobile library.


ELI continues our partnership with Shoreline Church Dress a Girl, so new dresses brought smiles to faces for some very happy little girls! A new dress, a new book to read, a game of jump rope or a puzzle to solve; all of these things bring new hope for a better future!


Susu Community Library Update

The library staff has been busy moving in the new library furniture and shelving 1009 books. The official dedication is scheduled for July, but the community children couldn't wait to read all these new books. Thanks to a very special gift from the Rotary Club of Corral de Tierra, California, the children are enjoying local language books. Though the children learn English in school at a very early age, reading in your own language is special. A very grateful thank you to the Rotarians, who promote literacy throughout the world.


The Gift of a Picture

In 2019, the ELI team traveled to Zambia for the ground breaking ceremony of the new library construction. As Tom Gibson, our team photographer was capturing the special moments of the trip, the children followed close behind. Most of these children had never seen a camera in their entire lives nor a picture of themselves. Tom would take their picture and thanks to digital cameras, they saw their face for the first time. They were amazed! In our last book shipment to Zambia, we included a print copy for each child. Their delight is obvious as they hold this very special treasure.

ELI hopes you are encouraged as you read these stories of far away people and communities blessed by your prayers and financial investment. Your continued financial support is needed, and we hope you will become a regular monthly donor to Elizabeth’s Library to bring literacy, libraries, the gospel, and more to these precious friends far away. One time gifts are also appreciated. Thank you!


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