The Good News stories represent only a few of the many miracles experienced in ELI's Malawi and Zambia locations. This month you'll read about a little girl on the cusp of a new world of language, an elderly man receiving a special gift in answer to his prayer, a new truck to drive produce to market and a talented new helper named Miracle joins our team. As we reflect on all the stories reported in ELI’s Good News, it has been a miraculous journey and we give God all the glory.
Malawi Update
With sadness, ELI announces the passing of teacher Noemi due to complications following the birth of her daughter. Noemi served alongside Kathrine (both preschool teachers) and Jacob from the beginning of the mobile library program. Being very resourceful, they designed creative lessons for village children who are unable to attend school. Noemi was loved by the children and ELI staff, and we keep her husband and two small children in our prayers.
Dorothy's Miracle

EL Malawi has a new volunteer named Miracle! She has traveled twice with the team and intuitively understands children's needs. On her first visit, Miracle met a beautiful seven year old girl named Dorothy, who had never attended school, nor heard or spoken a word because she is deaf. Miracle and Dorothy had an instant connection when Miracle focused on communicating with her. Miracle showed Dorothy how to hold a crayon and match the colors of the rainbow picture with a color in the box. Dorothy's joy of learning is evident in her smile.
Children with special needs from these villages live on the periphery of life, sometimes hidden and often struggling to communicate with anyone. Dorothy's mother had heard of the mobile library program and had seen village children enjoy educational activities. She desperately hoped there was something for her daughter and was grateful for the special attention given to Dorothy.
Dorothy’s story brings new possibilities for EL Malawi. Jacob (EL Director) will begin researching locally available resources for children with special needs, including a skilled sign language teacher willing to partner with the mobile library program. Please pray for direction as we consider this unique opportunity to bring the miracle of language and literacy to a special population.
Daniel's Miracle Gift

A few weeks ago, Daniel K. discovered something he considers priceless at the Malawi Mobile Library program - a Bible. Daniel asked Jacob if he would read to him. Jacob read and translated the English Bible into Chichewa, Daniel's native language. Although he is a devout believer, Daniel has never owned a Bible because they are not readily available and too expensive for him to purchase. Imagine his joy when the EL team brought Daniel and his wife a Chichewa Bible as a special gift. Daniel’s house is only partially thatched due to his poverty, but he proclaimed, “The love of God is my priority in everything, because eternal life is after this this." Daniel's eyesight has grown very dim, so his grandson will read to him. "I will listen very carefully to what the Word of God says."
The Miracle Mobile Library

A little girl living in a rural Malawi village is no stranger to adversity. Imagine her surprise when she reads the story of Pete the Cat and how he handles disappointment. Pete the Cat doesn't cry when his new white shoes are marred by stepping in strawberries or when he loses all his groovy buttons, he just keeps singing his song. Therein lies the power of children's literature. Children learn through such stories how to find the good when bad things happen, and how to cope in difficult circumstances through characters who overcome their trials with optimism. Pete doesn't give up, and neither should we.
Please consider purchasing a Christmas gift for ELI from our Amazon Wish List, so more children can read and enjoy great children's literature like Pete the Cat.

Another thank you to all the supporters of the Drive Sweet Susu Produce to Market campaign. After a 7000 mile ocean journey, the new farm truck is on the road to Susu, and should arrive just in time to drive the watermelon harvest to market. Susu is planning a BIG ceremony to celebrate this miracle.

Life is a miracle, and there is much rejoicing over the birth of two new kids! Joshua and Tabitha join the twins (Priscilla and Aquila) in the Susu goat herd. More baby goats are expected in the next few weeks, and a new goat barn is now a priority. Will you please help build a New Home for the Kids? The remaining cost is $2,500.

ELI is grateful for your prayers and financial support, and it is a joy to report the miracles happening because of your investment and partnership with us. Please consider becoming a regular monthly contributor or giving a designated gift for the goat barn, local language Bibles or others listed on the Be Involved page.
A Christmas gift in honor of someone special would bless many readers in Africa. We will send your honoree a card acknowledging your gift.
Are you Christmas Shopping on Amazon? Please select Elizabeth’s Library as your preferred charity on Amazon Smile. Thank you for supporting libraries, literacy and educational opportunities.